Otherwise you will have the most stilted, tedious conversations in the history of international relations.
After a tedious conversation, the patient tells him that she feels very hot and needs some water and suddenly develops strange symptoms.
It was obvious to him that she sought not musical entertainment, but an excuse to escape yet more of Her Grace's tedious conversation.
After a tedious conversation he lets Carrot go.
It makes his conversation a little tedious, but he is scarcely to blame for that, poor fellow.
I'd be happy to get away from all this tedious conversation.
I have detained you far too long in tedious conversation!
I mean, all her ongoings and rather tedious conversation, for me was filtered through her loveliness.
Better this chore than another tedious and entirely useless conversation with O'Layle.
They enjoyed themselves until the man was called away to interpret a tedious conversation between two engineer officers.