It was introduced on 1780, vanished temporarily on 1787-1819, 1820-1822 and 1875-1822 and ceased to exist in the middle of the 1890s.
And when the de Basil company disbanded shortly thereafter, "Paganini" temporarily vanished from the stage.
And big evils trump little evils making them temporarily vanish.
The insurance would then temporarily vanish, leaving the patients to pay all of their additional costs until their out-of-pocket outlay reached $3,700, not counting the premiums.
Panel Off - Disables the player's warning monitor, and causes all information on the status bar to vanish temporarily.
He felt relaxed and at peace, and the pain of his beaten body temporarily vanished.
At this time, Eureka was pregnant with their daughter, and temporarily vanished into the past, where she met their future son.
Real wages, adjusted for inflation, rose 25 per cent, and unemployment temporarily vanished.
He turned around, failed to see the troll, took a step forward, and vanished temporarily from the world of men.
After the fall of the Roman empire, goose liver temporarily vanished from European cuisine.