It was in the process of being sealed with cement for temporary abandonment, to avoid environmental problems.
This massacre was followed by a second raid in 1780, leading to the temporary abandonment of the village.
In the early 14th century Scottish raiders caused the temporary abandonment of the site and serious structural damage to the priory.
The temporary abandonment of tight little waists represented no more than a change in method.
It's leading to a temporary abandonment of Jack while I'm around and then a psychological returning to him when I'm gone.
The earthquake may have resulted in the temporary abandonment of the East Acropolis.
It was home to several arable farms until it flooded in 1884, leading to its temporary abandonment and longer term use as pasture.
There can be no suggestion that a mere temporary abandonment would dissolve the crew's contract of employment.
For obvious reasons, both temporary and permanent abandonment must remain voluntary, and therefore no element of compulsion should be introduced.