The original stand built at the turn of the century was a covered terrace housing up to 3,000 fans.
A new building was built on the side of the courtyard and vaulted rooms below the terrace housing the stables.
The construction was to commence in 1876 following acquisition of the land which was formerly home to workshops, and terrace housing.
As a result, streets and suburbs which contain large intact rows of terrace housing are now fairly rare.
Inner Hobart has some good examples of terrace housing.
The suburbs of London are still predominantly made up of Victorian terrace housing.
The town will have approximately 1200 residential house sites, and up to 800 higher density units in the form of terrace housing and apartment living.
There is also more recent terrace housing.
By the 1870s and 1880s, Parkville was a popular area for the middle class booming with affluent terrace housing becoming the norm.
The oldest, inner suburbs are dominated by terrace housing.