By early 1982 Iran regained almost all the territory lost to the invasion.
And what heady territory that would have seemed for a franchise that on Sept. 21 had lost 24 of its last 36 games.
All doubt vanished and we became convinced that the Rumanians intended to regain the territory lost the previous day.
In this way, the territory of the principality lost its feudal and secular privileges and became a part of France.
The territories lost between 1829-1913 to the new Christian Balkan states, significantly lowered this number.
Weakened by ongoing internal conflicts and constant warfare, the independent Wendish territories finally lost the capacity to provide effective military resistance.
The territory lost a large amount of area which is now submerged.
The film concerns the last months before the British lost their military position in Sudan-in theory a subject territory of Egypt-in January 1885.
The Germans counterattacked on October 30 and managed to reclaim all the territory lost to the French.
But neither has the Cambodian Government done much to retake the territory lost.