Even the magnificent Tarcher mansion looked desolate in the thick dark rain.
The thick rain made the border between day and night difficult to judge.
He was wakened by thick rain splattering his face.
Three more showers of the thick crimson rain sprinkled wildly across the water's surface.
But the moisture he had detected never turned white, but instead began to fall as a thick, cloying rain.
A bitter wind howled about his ears and a thick rain seemed to be falling upon him from all directions at once.
Outside, a cold black wind was pulling people this way and that, and driving a thick black rain into their eyes.
He peered desperately into the thick rain for more colonists but saw none.
The drumming of the thick vertical rain on the roof is a background to everything that happens.
Certainly the weather was depressing, for a thick, dull, persistent rain was falling by the time they reached home.