In his studio, he experiments with new media and found objects to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional art.
Some regretted the two-dimensional flattening of a three-dimensional art, but the advantages were obvious.
Its mission is to foster an inspiring environment for artists to expand their skills and promote the public education of three-dimensional art.
It is a collection of three-dimensional art created by Gustafson.
Has three-dimensional art become the natural expression of the capital?
Experimentation in three-dimensional art had brought sculpture into the world of painting, with unique pictorial solutions.
He once noted that, "Africans express (themselves) better in three-dimensional arts.
Most works exhibited are paintings, although some computer graphics and three-dimensional art are included.
Juried exhibition of two- and three-dimensional art comprised of various media.
What would happen if she gave herself more wholeheartedly to the traditional aesthetics of two- or three-dimensional art?