It has one small, deeply three-lobed, evergreen leaf rising from the ground.
Loial rushed forward quickly to place not one but two three-lobed leaves among the myriad leaves and vines.
Occasional unlobed leaves also occur on most trees with otherwise normal three-lobed leaves.
It is a vining plant with three-lobed leaves and 2-3 ornate flowers.
Remember sassafras is easy to identify because the leaves have three styles: "mittens" with a thumb on either side or a three-lobed full leaf.
The vine is vigorous and productive, with three-lobed leaves.
It has attractive yellow flowers, and deeply divided, three-lobed long-petioled basal leaves.
The plant produces three-lobed leaves on its branching stem.
The three-lobed leaves widely oval in shape with the lateral lobes being about one-half the width of the middle lobe.
The three-lobed leaves are relatively small and the bunches are elongated in form.