The tools were crude in manufacture but shrewdly designed for most effective use.
Street Networks Patterns: Unique street grow tools to quickly design and construct urban layouts.
We have developed tools and functions designed to assist in understanding and applying these.
Today, scientists use multiple tools to design a computer with the potential for interpreting the world in the same way as the brain.
In other words, a tool designed to drill directionally with continuous rotation from the surface, eliminating the need to "slide" a mud motor.
For example, there are tools for modeling and designing logic for embedded controllers.
Using a multi-touch, object recognition table, you use tools such as rulers and speed dials to design a ride.
A tool designed to search for and report human sequence variation data from dbSNP and dbVar.
They activated the prototype of The Clock of the Long Now, the tool designed to measure the next 10,000 years and beyond.
This means that tools designed to help increase accessibility, such as alt tags and extended descriptions etc..