Large volcanic rocks form landbridges that allow tourists to pose for photographs in front of the falls.
Today Japanese schoolchildren and other tourists somberly pose for pictures in front of the dome.
Victorian tourists pose at the foot of one of the great pyramids.
A tourist from Venezuela posed for a picture beside it.
Already, tourists were posing for pictures in front of the three-dimensional QVC logo as if it were the Washington Monument.
In Yellowstone Park, tourists pose near steaming geysers.
Increased tourist developments and birds getting caught in nets from commercial fishing operations also pose a danger.
At the imposing Reichstag building, the once and future seat of Germany's Parliament, tourists posed for photos before the Neo-Classical columns today.
For decades tourists have been coming to the Mile High City and posing for pictures at precisely 5,283.03 feet above sea level.
A camera flash bounced around as the tourists posed with their tea glasses and big wedges of chocolate cake.