New Yorkers fearful of an attack on the subways insist on riding in cars on traffic-choked streets.
On his way through the traffic-choked streets of L.A., he barks back at a miniature schnauzer in a minivan.
His only source of income is ferrying passengers on his scooter around the traffic-choked streets of Tehran.
In Lagos, with eight million people the biggest city, the normally traffic-choked streets were eerily deserted.
Many cabdrivers, he said, sit out rush hours because they feel they cannot make enough money creeping through Manhattan's traffic-choked streets.
The better part of valor being et cetera, I sidled out the front door and crossed the traffic-choked main street of the quaint little town.
Little pursues him down the traffic-choked street on horseback.
A construction platform fell onto a traffic-choked street in downtown Boston, killing three people and injuring two.
But the no-trucks edict that Cairo officials have imposed as a response has transformed more than the city's traffic-choked streets.
Mr. Craig rushed shouting into the traffic-choked street, his voice clear in the unusual midday silence.