Early on, the biggest stumbling block appeared to be rural legislators, concerned that the authority would spend the state's transportation dollars exclusively on Atlanta.
It would be hard to imagine how upstate can finish all the work we need to do without the federal help that comes from transportation dollars.
This is one reason I have sought positions in the Senate that improve my ability to ensure that Nevada receives more transportation dollars.
While serving as president, the Commissioners, for the first time ever, applied and received federal transportation dollars for a local road project.
Called TRANS, the $1.7 billion bonding initiative accelerated future federal transportation dollars on 28 projects across the state.
As a result of this designation, the beltline would be eligible for federal transportation dollars.
"Then I'd say to people in the city, 'The Federal Government says you must do this or we'll withdraw transportation dollars from you.' "
He had promised if elected to "bring transportation dollars home to our area."
They criticize increased spending on transportation, but they do not differentiate between transportation trust-fund dollars and general tax dollars.
For the first time, the Federal Government has looked at its transportation dollars as being part of tourism.