On April 15, 2007, Tunick organized an installation in a tulip field in Schermerhorn.
"You can feel like an elephant in a tulip field sometimes," she said.
Most recently, population dynamics of aphids in tulip fields were monitored during three growing seasons.
The commercial growing of bulbs was pioneered in the 1880s, with the first large-scale tulip fields introduced by Sam Culpin in 1907.
And the symbolism of a tulip field and the domim tree that overlooks it veers perilously close to sentimentality.
Where were the famous tulip fields?
The tulip fields are well worth a visit.
"I felt closer to de Stijl, and respond to the patterns and symmetry of the tulip fields."
The valley was full of wonderful tulip fields and in spring people would come along the stream for picnics and days out of the city.
Used to sing too, over the hissing of the iron, sang old Hazara songs about tulip fields.