"The program isn't trying to get 62-year-old guys in Texas who shoot deer to turn in their guns," he continued.
But the fighters have not yet turned in their guns, and no one has even begun to discuss how to redress abuses.
Nathan agrees to turn in their guns until they leave.
The hired vessels turned in their guns and stores prior to being paid off.
Now they have turned in their guns and enlisted in the new Palestinian police force that arrived with self-rule.
The officers voluntarily turned in their guns this week and are on desk duty.
Employing a new tactic, the marines offered sacks of food as an incentive for people to turn in their guns.
The officers have been reassigned to desk duty and have turned in their guns.
The police gave those inside 24 hours to turn in their guns.
If four able-bodied men can't catch one no-legs lady, we ought to turn in our guns and call it a day.