He chose his words with care: "I can understand your comment about restraining your husband.
He'd understood her earlier comment to him about the natives, they weren't quite as passive as the ship's library made them out to be.
I don't completely understand your comment, but here goes.
Years later, when I understood his comment, I wrote to him about the name.
Besides, if you'd truly understood my initial comment, you would've known it was meant as a bit of humor.
I didn't understand his comment, so I decided to change the subject.
However that might be, Umar chose not to understand the Magistrate's comment.
I can understand Tim's comment about feeling bitterness getting too close to football as it's all about money now.
I understand your comment, which has been noted, but the discussion is over.
At the time I didn't understand his comment because I had been self-taught.