Lindsay's voice quavered with raw and undisguised fear.
He was sitting up now, braced against the wall, staring at the man on the floor with undisguised fear and revulsion.
The enormous dark eyes were wide with undisguised fear, but she met his level gaze and said, "Wh-who are you?
The porters stared at Rossetti--newly bearded, hair wild, cheeks sunken, and eyes that still burned as if with fever-with undisguised fear.
They were staring at the warp core with undisguised fear, for although the danger seemed momentarily to have passed, it was still all too present and all too real.
Other Dragon Highlords on other continents of Krynn were looking to him with undisguised envy-and fear.
Yimot was gazing at him in undisguised fear mingled with what seemed like astonishment.
One of her eyes was bruised and swollen shut; the other watched the men with undisguised fear.
He leant forward, gazed with undisguised fear and loathing at the terrible sight made flesh before him.
There was undisguised fear in her eyes.