As an unelected public official, the Queen takes no part in party politics and does not express any political opinions.
What if, in some crisis about pre-emption, they disagreed - would the unelected official prevail?
The new leadership would be made up of unelected officials and representatives of each department and agency.
Parliament should not delegate power to unelected officials without adequate accountability mechanisms.
Mainly its not even councillors running the show but unelected officials with their own agenda.
The decisions of our government should not be left to a body of unelected officials.
These regulations are imposed by unelected federal officials who cannot be held accountable by American voters.
But it also ranks as the single most successful use of the news media by an anonymous unelected official with an agenda of his own.
For too long, unelected federal officials have imposed huge costs on the economy and American people through burdensome regulations.
The proposal to be railroaded into law would concentrate power in one unelected official.