"The unsettled economy creates two opportunities for us," Mr. O'Neill said.
Many people said they worried that a war in Iraq - which most Americans view as inevitable - would disrupt an already unsettled economy.
The unsettled global economy should continue to drag down growth in the United States.
Despite an unsettled global economy, lower corporate profits and a new round of layoffs, the American economy keeps creating jobs at an astonishing pace.
Because of an unsettled economy and an employment market that has not been kind to these workers, they think there is no reward for loyalty and are reluctant to make long-term commitments.
In a sense, the unsettled economy has helped to calm any fears of a potential coup, because it has left the armed forces disinclined to try to return to power now.
The section Ms. Chuma presented here fixes on Japan, where the choreographer was born and raised in an unsettled postwar economy marked by countercultural agitation.
To an unsettled economy the horrendous savings and loan scandal must be added as a Republican liability.
We are still a newly founded colony with an unsettled economy and serious geophysical problems.
But Building Congress officials cautioned that the estimates, based on an analysis of capital budgets, development plans and other indicators, face considerable uncertainty because of the unsettled economy and public-sector budget gaps.