He was a quiet genius who bet the future of his company on untried technology.
After all, it was untried technology- it could conceivably break down, or even damage the equipment to which it had been attached.
Dynamic tidal power or DTP is an untried but promising technology for tidal power generation.
He says it's an untried technology and the architect needs to come to Kezdet to explain his plans in person.
At public hearings, they complained about being used as guinea pigs for a new, untried technology.
NASP never flew because it tried to combine too many untried technologies into a test vehicle, Mr. Sitz and other experts said.
The universities will provide the curriculum and the impressive credentials, without risking their endowments on untried technology.
They're untried technology.
Many Internet stocks were propelled by nothing more than faith that one day the new, untried technology would prove profitable.
Her condition was not genetic, but the result of untried technology.