Each side draws upon economic arguments to justify their actions but the conceptual framework is weak and there is little hard empirical evidence.
In the first place, elaborating upon arguments in previous sections, our instinctive impulses to avoid cruelty will normally extend to their needlessly being killed.
Indeed, one of the extraordinary things about Wiles's reasoning was the fact that he needed to call upon arguments from several quite different domains of mathematical understanding.
Music advocacy comes in many forms, some of which are based upon legitimate scholarly arguments and scientific findings, while other examples rely on unconvincing data and remain rather controversial.
"There's no question in my mind, based upon legal arguments and trial transcripts, that Derek and Alex King did not receive due process," Judge Bell said.
They are based upon both theologigcal and psychological arguments.
Smear tactics differ from normal discourse or debate in that they do not bear upon the issues or arguments in question.
No single document expresses the Christian Identity belief system; however, adherents draw upon arguments from linguistic, historical, archaeological and biblical sources to support their beliefs.
Rather, it is based upon arguments of public policy.
If he talks of new arguments, or of improvements upon old arguments, I request him to spare me.