Extensive laboratory tests using optical and electron microscopy revealed the existence of foreign elements not normally present in the 16-inch gun charge.
Trans-endocytosis from neurons to glia has been observed using time-lapse microscopy.
Archaeologists are able to identify the unique nature of the Langdale stone by taking sections and examining them using microscopy.
(However, thick sections are compatible and sometimes even desirable if using confocal microscopy.)
Using light microscopy, it appears as a bar at the apical surface of the cell, wherein the structures listed cannot be resolved.
Confirmation is either via blood tests or direct visual inspection using microscopy.
Metallography is the study of the physical structure and components of metals, typically using microscopy.
After preparation, it is often analyzed using optical or electron microscopy.
He also developed methods for examining the microstructure of metals using optical microscopy.
Conodonts may be identified by experts using light microscopy such that they can be used to index a given sample with good resolution.