The Germans also had problems with their murder statistics, due in part to the camouflage language used in the reports.
Food irradiation, while effective, is seldom used due to public relations problems.
"Using the elements test for Rule 31(c) problems at least approaches keeping the same meaning."
The 'new math' movement, which emphasises understanding and uses more non-routine problems, has provided the main stimulus for this.
The article uses evidence from the English public health service on reported successes, problems of measurement, and gaming the system.
Computer scientists are using problems on the list to test their mettle.
You don't use their lives and problems to promote yourself as she has done .
Use the links below to learn how businesses are using environmental problems as catalysts to develop innovative new products and services.
Each class usually involves intensive reinforcement of the topic using many examples and problems.
It must use those same characters, conflicts, problems and tensions to show us the collision (the climax).