With linear systems states are not unique, but can be transformed into 'equivalent' states using certain linear transformations.
Above, pseudovectors have been discussed using active transformations.
The three diagrams are constructed from the P-alpha-diagram by using appropriate coordinate transformations.
It used local transformations to simplify logic.
When using affine transformations, the homogeneous component of a coordinate vector (normally called w) will never be altered.
But they continue to use traditional hunting and fishing designs and Shamanistic transformations.
Cloaking hides the internal operation of a program using mathematical transformations.
The Art of Nomography describes the design of nomograms using geometry, determinants, and transformations.
Generalized convolutions for other operations such as subtraction, multiplication, division, etc., can be derived using transformations.
We shall now make a one-to-one mapping of each point in the big figure to a point in its interior, using only area-preserving transformations!