By then, Prospect arrives and reveals his Eyes Memory allows him to use Quarks, under his control.
After 2002, the LTTE used Kilinochchi as the administrative hub of the area under its control.
The initial phase of the construction would cost $2.7 million, and Ms. Messinger said she would support using capital funds under her control to help finance it.
He ordered the Sri Lankan currency of Kahapana to be used in the areas under his control.
However, the Allied Military government restricted the usage of this flag, ruling that only 'recognized national flags' be used in the area under their control.
Saravan Arul uses "Selvarathinam" logo for the stores under his control.
That forced Mr. Clinton to act alone, using funds under his control to pay for the rescue.
The player must use the droid under their control to maintain and harvest the mushrooms as well as look after and protect the colony itself.
HTCondor-G allows HTCondor jobs to use resources not under its direct control.
Then, using Central World brains ships with drugged brawns under his control, he could have landed anywhere, including Regulus Base.