Cards are placed below the corresponding Monster, and the value of the card dictates the Monster's current strength.
The value of the correlation function then dictates the values of the condensates.
The value of a company's pension obligations dictates the amount it must set aside each year to make sure it can fulfill its obligations to retirees in the future.
Sometimes, economic factors or personal values will rigidly dictate a way of living, but for many of us there are a variety of options.
To promote suspense and lengthen games, the banker's offer is usually less than the expected value dictated by probability theory, particularly early in the game.
He held her tight, and told himself that he was going to behave the way his upbringing dictated, the way his values dictated.
But national interest and international democratic values dictate sacrificing the Chinese slice of the market because it feeds critical weapons to Mideast dictatorships.
In Mexico, observers note, the police can be bought, but conservative values dictate that people maintain a veneer of respectability.
When our boundaries are clear, our values can dictate what kinds ofpeople fit the best.
These values would then become the basis for the battle system and dictate when it will be a character's turn.