The first two versions of MineCam did not achieve this, but tested various approaches with the video technology available at the time.
Polygram backed down when their version tested worse than Altman's in a preview.
The earliest versions of the GRE tested only for verbal and quantitative ability.
The more versions and interface ideas you test with users, the better.
Other experimental versions tested radios, mortars placed between the rear horns, and recovery cranes.
Currently version 3.0 IRLP boards are available fully assembled and tested.
This version could test 60 number combinations a second.
Initially, a version of SECAM for the French 819-line television standard was devised and tested, but not introduced.
Nevertheless, his judiciously shortened version ran more than an hour and more than adequately tested his ability to keep Bach's musical line taut.
A jet-powered version, the YB-49, first flew in late 1947 and was tested, but not bought, by the Air Force.