When he had tried to force her over her violent objections, and then kill her when she had used gentler sorcery to dissuade him, she reminded herself.
When Duke Zheng ascended to the dukedom over the violent objections of his mother, she began plotting to get Gongshu Duan into power.
Senator Bentsen said Administration officials had made no commitment to support the committee measures, "but I didn't hear any violent objections."
Agawa grunted, which Harry took as not necessarily yes or no but at least not violent objection.
But Sanborn signed him to build the country residence, in spite of Mrs. Sanborn's violent objections.
Let's just say that audience members without a violent moral objection to abortion may find it hard to work up much interest in the fate of Sophie and Phillip's potential offspring.
"His wish was to appoint Bork, and had I had a violent objection to it, I would have told him so."
Patterson insisted that he had just performed his "duty" to obtain a bill permanently earmarking funds for school libraries, over what he considered violent objections.
However, after their return from the jungle, Lwaxana's violent objections to their relationship and Deanna's seeming compliance led Riker to drunkenly fall into bed with another woman.
Brun was not at all pleased at Broud's violent objection.