Under state statute, beverage control commissioners are virtually barred from serving in "any other public office."
Ethnic Chinese citizens were forced to take Indonesian names and were virtually barred from politics, the military and government service.
South Korea may be the only Asian country where you never see Japanese cars on the road; they are virtually barred.
Porter was virtually barred from the Navy Department Office building; only visiting 4 times during Robeson's tenure.
It had also virtually barred most entrepreneurs from entering other fields through reservations on licensing.
Recruits were carefully screened and selected on the basis of political reliability, and practising Muslims were virtually barred during the Nasser era.
If the dangerous Istook amendment is approved, Consumers Union would be virtually barred from submitting petitions to government agencies on such product safety matters, and many other key consumer issues.
She was a member of an elite group of Japanese women, path makers occupying jobs that only 10 years ago women were virtually barred from holding.
After the communist take-over in 1948, children of the wealthy were virtually barred from higher education.
An ordinance dating from 1986 virtually barred any new towers.