Ms. Jacobs said she believed that she and her colleagues were swept into power more because of voter disgust with fiscal mismanagement and a seemingly aloof government than for their party affiliation.
Most obvious, in a year of voter disgust with political business as usual, is the conventional background of the two nominees.
Instead, they said they intended to knock him off stride as well as tap into voter disgust with political advertising, which some Americans consider the most repellent aspect of campaigns.
Several candidates have never set foot in the political arena before, but are doing so because they think they could be the antidote to voter disgust with career politicians.
In a year of voter disgust with Washington, lobbyists are widely viewed as the personifications of government's problems.
The Liberal Democratic Party, which despite its name is conservative, held power for nearly 40 years until 1993, when it was overthrown because of voter disgust with rampant corruption.
But after he won, Mr. Hoeffel attributed his victory to voter disgust with Republican efforts to remove Mr. Clinton.
After reform was debated in the Senate, Mr. D'Amato showed that he was not entirely unresponsive to voter disgust over the corruption of campaign contributions.
Political analysts say Ms. Yeakel ran a flawless campaign, quickly establishing herself with a television advertisement that seemed to capture the mood of voter disgust with Washington.
Both parties, they said, were aware of voter disgust with partisan confrontations.