The violent collissions the athletes endure most certainly cause whiplash effects.
Lean back so that your neck will be protected against any whiplash effect.
Besides, Douglas reported that Lewis is still recovering from the whiplash effects he suffered in a car accident in Houston earlier this year.
But if he slowed for an instant or let his legs dangle in the water, a whiplash effect threatened to hurl him backward.
You're not the only one on this ship who knows about the whiplash effect.
There are swivels and a limiter on the spring so it cannot entangle the leopard nor spring back in a whiplash effect.
At this instant the whiplash effect sent a surge along the extended vines.
And when the states are in trouble, the whiplash effect on cities can be profound.
Fluid twisting, curving lines and a "whiplash" effect are the trademarks of the natural art form.
"It was the sensation of having your hand fall asleep - a whiplash effect," Piazza said.