As programs grow in size, allowing any function to modify any piece of data means that bugs can have wide-reaching effects.
It is unique for its intensity, massive size and wide-reaching effect.
Thus, conditions in the unsecured interbank market can have wide-reaching effects in the financial system and the real economy by influencing the investment decisions of firms and households.
The discovery of The Pill, as it was thereafter known, has wide-reaching effects, not only saving Pfizer from bankruptcy but also making it possible to experience the pleasure of eating desserts without gaining weight.
His successors built a power base at Thebes, and started a cultural renaissance with wide-reaching effects on Egyptian art and archaeology.
Words Worth Singing About If you're tired of hearing about the Starr report, tomorrow evening you can be entertained by a document that has far more wide-reaching effects on most Americans.
Late in the book, he offers the breathtaking pronouncement that Hemingway was "at the center of a cultural revolution unequaled in its wide-reaching effects on Western culture except by the Italian Renaissance."
This means that Rule 14e-3 has wide-reaching effects.
Mr. Ceraso downgraded his rating on the entire automotive industry because of the wide-reaching effects of Ford's production cuts.
Simultaneously, the Church was in a state of crisis too, with wide-reaching effects in the Empire.