The Nets widened their lead in the third quarter to 30 points and never let up the pressure.
A second round only saw the chief widen his lead.
"We intend to widen our lead over the No. 2 market share leader, wherever they are in the world."
But there are indications that Christie's has since widened its lead.
He widened his lead to 200 meters at the finish.
But a second poll published hours later showed the "no" vote widening its lead to 12 percentage points.
By the third round, he had widened his lead to eight strokes.
Two runs scored and the Pirates widened their lead to 10-7.
By then, the Twins had widened their lead to 3-0.
Penn widened its lead to 10-0 in the second period with a 12-play, 80-yard drive.