His mentor there was Wassily Leontief, who later won the Nobel in economic science.
It's not "needless" focus on gender either...ask yourself why so few women were winning awards in science in the last century.
Dr. Zoghbi, a 50-year-old pediatrician who was born in Lebanon, has won major honors in science.
Members have won major awards in science and entertainment, and have also gained prominence in areas such as architecture, medicine, and sports.
"Winning in science is getting your name on the cup, but the cup itself is never retired."
Morever, Indonesian students also have a good record in winning many international competitions in science and technology.
The book won the Phi Beta Kappa prize for best book in science in 1958.
It won dozens of national academic awards in science and social studies competitions.
Nevertheless, Yang went on to win a State Council grant for excellence in medical science in February 2009.
Sternhell won the Israel Prize in political science in February 2008.