The Merc has won considerable publicity for its system, called Globex, which it has been promoting for nearly a year.
Mayor Bloomberg's handling of the Aug. 14 blackout won him praise and favorable publicity.
In a speech he gave to the English that won him favorable publicity, he said, "We won't do much talking until we've done more fighting.
But she has done fewer fiscal audits than her predecessor, and has spent time on policy studies that often seemed designed to win publicity, not results.
This marriage won him considerable publicity thanks to the "Roast Beef Scandal" of January 1958.
It took her 41 years of teaching and solitude to win publicity she never sought.
And can any designer keep a cool cachet as an outsider while winning publicity?
Arizona also won considerable publicity when on an early voyage she hit an iceberg head-on, telescoping 25 feet of her bow.
Mr. Giuliani did win national publicity for his office's prosecution of organized crime and insider trading cases.
Film Forum's "Hollywood Before the Code" not only clicked at the box office but also won national publicity.