Like the situation with lead-lead collisions last year, many important measurements can be made even with a small amount of data.
With purely elastic collisions, the total amount of kinetic energy in the system remains the same.
If chaining is used to deal with collisions, the average chain length of this hash table may be a desirable value.
The Mets have enough experience with collisions to last them forever.
With continuing collisions the larger planetesimals would sweep up the smaller ones until today's planets were formed.
Football players are sending each other to hospitals with legal collisions in practice games.
The insurance institute does conduct an overall safety test, with collisions at high speeds, whose results will be released next month.
Dear and wild boar prove a real risk to motorists with collisions taking place regularly.
The last couple years he's had that injury on his hand with collisions at the plate.
The race was an unusually rough one, with several collisions between the horses early in the straight.