The word now designates a space so small a person might be required to bend over to enter it.
The gaffer has been around considerably longer; for centuries the word has designated the foreman of a stage crew.
Under the plural form Sânziene, the word designates an annual festival in the fairies' honor.
Pashu in Pashupati refers to the effect (or created world), the word designates that which is dependent on something ulterior.
The first two words designated the formation.
The word can also designate the car itself.
This word usually designates the person as a whole or its physical life.
However, in Homer the word can also designate a deity.
The word "Mabinogi" originally designated only these four tales, which are really parts or "branches" of a single work, rather than the whole collection.
Likewise, the word send up, which once meant the mocking treatment of homosexuals by the world at large, now designates any egregious satire.