Only in exceptional circumstances can young workers miss their breaks - and then they should receive compensatory rest within three weeks.
Chevron said two workers were missing and 152 others found, but gave no further detail on the missing persons.
"If a worker misses a day, he has to make up for it in a two-week period or produce a documented excuse."
They are also overworked, sometimes handling more than 80 cases at a time, a situation that can cause workers to miss obvious danger signs.
You good workers, mine management and many people will miss you.
The average worker with allergies misses about one hour per week over the course of a year.
Fifteen bodies have been recovered; 13 workers are missing.
Often workers followed the rules, but missed important clues to a family's serious problems, the report says.
The tram that the three workers missed falls into the river and almost all the passengers die.
There's one thing that all the workers miss.