She comes forward and quickly establishes the world-class quality of her voice in a spiritual that raises goose bumps.
For three weeks, the festival enlivens the city with music, theater, dance and opera of world-class quality.
Fortunately, they have no power to wish away the world-class quality of Mr. Nouvel's design.
The station will soon meet up with world-class quality.
The world-class quality of the work could very likely make him the most advanced artist and finest draftsman working in California in the 1940's.
Beaches of world-class quality are to be found along the entire seaboard.
It gets back to world-class quality and product technology and low-cost labor.
"I made something that is world-class quality."
"The world-class quality that we've achieved is our lifeline," he said.
General Motors compounded the problem with "brand management," attempting to win sales more by clever marketing than imaginative design or world-class quality.