Sixty years of losing tends to lower politicians' hopes.
This is based on the 1961-1990 base period; recent years have tended to be warmer in this area.
Recent years have tended to be warmer.
In the analysis, the years from 1880 to 1950 tend to appear cooler (more blues than reds), growing less cool as we move toward the 1950s.
In their early years both agencies tended to concentrate on trying to boost employment opportunities by encouraging industries to move into their areas.
New year tends to be the most chaotic with crowds easily in the thousands attending a party at Hilltop.
S5 competitors that year tended to be complete paraplegics.
Recent years have tended to be warmer in Nordland than the fairly cold 1961 - 1990 base period.
However, in 17 out of the 20 countries examined in this study, 13 year old boys tended to score higher than girls.
Consequently, a year like this one, the fourth year of the current cycle, tends to bring the highest value.