He was survived by a 3-year-old son and 2 year-old daughter.
My sister and her year-old daughter are at home in Naples right now.
The gang members also stabbed the couple's 13 year-old daughter.
He sees his year-old daughter for a brief period in the middle of the day, during the break between jobs.
During this time, her 3 -year-old daughter died, leaving her with one child out of the nine she had born.
He was survived by his wife and a five year-old daughter, named Miranda.
He was survived by his wife and a 8 year-old daughter.
The couple has two children, a 3-year-old son and a year-old daughter.
Jack's six year-old daughter who was shot by friendly fire during the rescue.
My nine year-old daughter started coding using this and it just got her into understanding how written code works.