As a rule, triticale combines the yield potential and grain quality of wheat with the disease and environmental tolerance (including soil conditions) of rye.
The variance is high, 14 to 138 plants per m are an optimal plant density, depending on the yield potential of the site.
No modern plant breeding has been done and only landraces with low yield potential are grown.
Land in agriculture stays in production but would have to increase its yield potential to keep up with demand.
The preponderance of data shows no difference in yield potential between herbicide-tolerant soybeans and their conventional counterpart.
Slight degradation refers to land where yield potential has been reduced by 10%, moderate degradation refers to a yield decrease from 10-50%.
It had a high yield potential and was resistant to insect infestation.
The gold resources available from the mine was assessed as 9,000 tons of material with yield potential of 0.21 ounce of gold per ton.
Balancing the commitment to new crops or livestock with increased yield potentials and long term sustainability is the task of many farmers and agricultural scientists.
When the stress is terminal and predictable, drought escape through the use of shorter duration varieties is often the preferable method of improving yield potential.