Now, he and other younger legislators are wondering whether their party affiliation is going to become a liability.
Senator Edwards is one of several young legislators who have advocated consumer issues and reform measures in recent sessions.
At 30, he was once again the youngest legislator.
As the party reflected on its past, young legislators called for more changes to protect its future.
She has been a member of the Montana state legislature since 2007 and was the youngest legislator when elected.
His election at the age of 26 made him the youngest legislator in the state of Colorado.
It is not that the number of young legislators is so high.
At the age of 26 she became the youngest female legislator in the state's history.
In 1972, Jenkins won election as one of the youngest legislators in state history.
"I don't know of any young legislator who even tried to maintain a law practice after being elected."