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"field" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

field rzeczownik

rzeczownik + field
Kolokacji: 311
football field • oil field • soccer field • baseball field • Wrigley Field • practice field • rice field • wheat field • gas field • killing field • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
2. oil field = teren ze złożami ropy oil field
3. soccer field = boisko do piłki nożnej soccer field
  • Every day at 5 they went to the baseball field.
  • We're on a baseball field like the rest of the kids in the world.
  • The schools first met on the baseball field in 1898.
  • Local children play the sport at the town's baseball field, whether by themselves or with a team.
  • They have spent many months on baseball fields all over the country with him.
  • The league has a spring and a fall season at the baseball field in the park.
  • There is also a baseball field to the north of the running track.
  • As of late 2010 the baseball field has been completed.
  • "The fact that people were using a baseball field for a dog run really shows how short we are on space."
  • Her body had been found in the woods behind the local baseball field the following morning.
5. Wrigley Field = Wrigley Pole Wrigley Field
6. practice field = boisko treningowe practice field
9. gas field = pole gazowe gas field
10. grass field = trawiaste pole grass field
11. corn field = pole obsiane zbożem, pole kukurydziane corn field
12. farm field = pole gospodarskie farm field
13. killing field = pole śmierci, pole walki killing field
14. landing field = lądowisko landing field
15. cotton field = pole bawełny cotton field
17. softball field = pole softballu softball field
18. center field = pole środkowe boiska (w hokeju) center field
20. ball field = boisko do baseballa ball field
21. energy field = pole energetyczne energy field
22. sports field = boisko sportowe sports field
23. gold field = złoże złotonośne gold field
24. home field = przewaga gospodarzy home field
25. gravity field = pole grawitacyjne gravity field
27. coal field = zagłębie węglowe coal field
28. ice field = pole lodowe ice field
29. Mr. Field = Mr. Pole Mr. Field
30. Ms. Field = Ms. Pole Ms. Field
31. Sally Field = Sally Pole Sally Field
32. vector field = pole wektorowe vector field
33. C. Virginia Field = C. Wirginia Pole C. Virginia Field
34. grain field = pole zboża grain field
35. level playing field = zapewnienie wszystkim wyrównanych szans level playing field
36. Coors Field = Coors Pole Coors Field
37. potato field = pole ziemniaków, kartoflisko potato field
38. Field of Dreams = Pole Snów Field of Dreams
39. star field = pole gwiazdorskie star field
40. Turner Field = Turner Pole Turner Field
41. Marshall Field = Marshall Pole Marshall Field
43. number field = ciało liczbowe number field
44. Jacobs Field = Jacobs Pole Jacobs Field
45. debris field = pole ruin debris field
46. cricket field = pole do krykieta cricket field
47. lava field = pokrywa lawowa, pole lawy lava field
48. W. C. Field = W. C. Pole W. C. Field
49. field of vision = pole widzenia (oka) field of vision
51. field of view = pole widzenia field of view
52. field of psychology = pole psychologii field of psychology
54. training field = pole szkoleniowe training field
56. school field = pole szkolne school field
57. field of medicine = dziedzina medycyny field of medicine
59. field of economics = dziedzina gospodarki field of economics
62. poppy field = pole makowe poppy field
64. field of play = dziedzina gry field of play
65. field of fire = pole ostrzału field of fire
66. Inn Field = Gospoda Pole Inn Field
68. field of art = dziedzina sztuki field of art
69. cane field = pole trzcinowe cane field
70. paddy field = pole ryżowe, poletko ryżowe paddy field
71. Heinz Field = Heinz Pole Heinz Field
73. field of music = dziedzina muzyki field of music
74. field of biology = pole biologii field of biology
75. Roosevelt Field = Roosevelt Pole Roosevelt Field
76. air field = pole lotnicze air field
77. mine field = pole kopalni mine field
78. field of law = dziedzina prawa field of law
79. field of health = dziedzina zdrowia field of health
81. mission field = pole działalności misyjnej mission field
82. crop field = pole uprawy crop field
83. Mitchel Field = Mitchel Pole Mitchel Field
84. field of history = pole historii field of history
85. Ford Field = Ford Pole Ford Field
86. turf field = pole darni turf field
87. Forbes Field = Forbes Pole Forbes Field
88. field of interest = zakres zainteresowań field of interest
90. field of relations = pole związków field of relations
91. polo field = pole polo polo field
92. Tropicana Field = Tropicana Pole Tropicana Field
94. Dorothy Field = Dorothy Pole Dorothy Field
95. career field = branża career field
96. Franklin Field = Franklin Pole Franklin Field
97. tobacco field = pole tytoniowe tobacco field
98. boulder field = gołoborze boulder field
99. Henderson Field = Henderson Pole Henderson Field
field + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 241
field goal • field trip • field hockey • field athlete • Field Marshal • Field Guide • Field Artillery • field commander • field championship • ...
field + czasownik
Kolokacji: 109
field includes • field produces • surrounded by fields • field contains • field begins • ...
czasownik + field
Kolokacji: 126
play field • include fields • field called • indicate a field • hit to field • field known • move to field • receive in the field • ...
przymiotnik + field
Kolokacji: 338
magnetic field • left field • open field • electric field • athletic field • electromagnetic field • gravitational field • related field • ...
przyimek + field
Kolokacji: 33
through fields • between fields • including fields • by fields • with fields • ...

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