Fifteen minutes later he was in front of her building on Fountain Avenue.
Trash is not the only thing dumped on Fountain Avenue.
"On Fountain Avenue, how are you going to solve that problem?"
Even the old dump at the end of Fountain Avenue is being turned into a park.
The main library moved to its new facility on Fountain Avenue in 1989.
A nice apartment on Fountain Avenue, no roaches or rats, and a palm tree outside her window.
Fountain Avenue has been infamous as a dumping ground for bodies of the Mob.
The two routes head into residential and commercial areas, turning east onto Fountain Avenue.
Now a world away from Fountain Avenue, Palatazin felt a wave of regret pass over him.
At the end of 1985, however, the city closed a second and much larger garbage dump at Fountain Avenue when the site's lease expired.