"I never found any good ones," Ben Stevenson, the artistic director of the Houston company, said.
The Houston company said its decision was "based on the belief that businesses outside the energy industry may provide better opportunities."
In 1986, his Houston company was merged with the Gallup Poll.
In 1990, after Greyhound was hit by a strike, the Houston companies began buying their first buses, however dilapidated.
In western Canada's oil patch, two Houston companies are making big purchases.
The Houston company said it was closely managing gross margins and tightly controlling expenses.
Today, though, a small Houston company has figured out how to steal some of the big boys' thunder.
More than 1,000 Houston companies do business there, and 60 have significant subsidiaries on the continent, according to the city of Houston.
He had two names who work for the same Houston company, but asked the company operator for just one number.
He will, however, continue to appear with the Houston company, which, like the audience, showers him with familial adulation.