One example would be sponsorship programs that provide material aid for specific individuals.
In the same year Gerry also announced a number of sponsorship programs.
Her first move was to introduce a sponsorship program for young designers.
Rice's plan for continued growth will depend on the success of a controversial corporate sponsorship program.
Perhaps more remarkable than the decision to approve the sponsorship program was the discussion that preceded it.
Senator Kennedy's aide said sponsorship programs are particularly promising because they tend to "keep kids in the loop."
Moreover, many have begun buying on the basis of flat fees or other models, like sponsorship programs.
India Partners also directs volunteer teams, speakers, and sponsorship programs.
The Atlanta group is planning a two-tiered sponsorship program that will allow some companies to participate on a smaller scale for $20 million.
Over the years, more than 625,000 children, youth and aging persons and their families have been served through the sponsorship program.