The 1970 UNESCO Convention however, does not address the difficult issue of private law.
The UNESCO convention had membership increase to 86 countries by 1997, and 193 by 2007.
The 1970 UNESCO Convention is intended to apply both during war and in time of peace.
Ratifying the 1970 UNESCO Convention would require a change in law and administrative practice.
The 1970 UNESCO Convention also seeks to raise awareness about the protection of cultural heritage.
States which are major markets for cultural objects were slow in ratifying the 1970 UNESCO Convention.
The UNESCO Convention must become the international legal instrument of reference on issues of cultural policy.
Prior to the UNESCO Convention, efforts had already been made by a number of states to safeguard their intangible heritage.
In addition, it claims that the UNESCO Convention allows for oppressive governments to suppress minority cultural voices.
The logo for the 1970 UNESCO Convention consists of a hand palm superimposed on a vase without handles.