Captain John Stoves, a Yankee officer, was severely wounded and captured in town.
Good Heavens, was she going to have to talk to Rhett before six Yankee officers!
She had actually taken tea with the Yankee officers' wives in their homes!
She discovered that making friends with the Yankee officers was as easy as shooting birds on the ground.
So there had been a number of elopements with Yankee officers which broke the hearts of Atlanta families.
"Didn't you hear him say he'd been with Yankee officers tonight?"
I knew my word would be accepted because I have so many friends among the Yankee officers.
The only people who had put any warmth into their expressions of sympathy were the wives of the Yankee officers with whom she did business.
A group of Yankee officers walked past David.
I tended a Yankee officer who had one.