Its experience shows that white men benefit from affirmative action when it helps them rethink conventional assumptions about fairness and function.
Mr. Ware, 59, easily volunteers that he has benefited greatly from affirmative action.
It's impossible not to be disgusted at someone who could benefit so much from affirmative action and then pull up the ladder after himself.
Those who benefited most from military action had been the people of those countries.
I believe that minorities and white females have truly benefited from affirmative action.
Its advocates call it a legitimate appeal to people left on the sidelines while other groups benefit from affirmative action and government aid programs.
But whether it is American tourists or multinationals that benefit from yesterday's action depends on whether the intervention works as planned.
Who, then, should benefit from affirmative action?
He had acknowledged benefiting from affirmative action in the past, so those who supported it saw him as the happy product of their beliefs.
But do you not think the species would benefit from rational action combined with passion and emotion?