I went back to bed, and two hours later I was jolted awake by the car alarm blaring away in the lot below me.
Salsa music is blaring away in the background, soon we will go for dinner and cerveza nearby, but here are a few quick thoughts.
Just like many of the guitarists blaring away this weekend, the music business thrives on distortion.
The stereo blared away, providing a constantly changing assortment of beats and musicians.
So- The high school's one-hundred-piece band was blaring away gleefully not far ahead of them.
I fell asleep with the tape recorder blaring away.
As much of a nuisance as a neighbour's car alarm blaring away at 3am.
I don't think they blare away as they come into the hospital.
A trio of musicians sat in the south gallery, blaring away.
Besides, no one can hear anything with all the radios blaring away.